磁共振成像(MRI)是用于低渗透神经肌肉疾病临床评估的非侵入性工具。自动诊断方法可能会减少对活检的需求,并提供有关疾病随访的宝贵信息。在本文中,提出了三种方法,以根据胶原蛋白VI相关的肌病病例对目标肌肉进行分类,这些方法是根据它们的参与程度(尤其是卷积神经网络),一个完全连接的网络来对纹理特征进行分类,并结合了两种特征套。对26名受试者的轴向T1加权涡轮自旋Echo MRI进行了评估,其中包括乌拉里奇先天性肌肉营养不良症和伯特莱姆肌病患者在不同的进化阶段。对于健康,轻度和中度/严重的病例,混合模型的全球精度分别为93.8%,其全球精度分别为0.99、0.82和0.95,获得了最佳的交叉验证结果。
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As of 2022, greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions reporting and auditing are not yet compulsory for all companies and methodologies of measurement and estimation are not unified. We propose a machine learning-based model to estimate scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions of companies not reporting them yet. Our model, specifically designed to be transparent and completely adapted to this use case, is able to estimate emissions for a large universe of companies. It shows good out-of-sample global performances as well as good out-of-sample granular performances when evaluating it by sectors, by countries or by revenues buckets. We also compare our results to those of other providers and find our estimates to be more accurate. Thanks to the proposed explainability tools using Shapley values, our model is fully interpretable, the user being able to understand which factors split explain the GHG emissions for each particular company.
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Recent developments of advanced driver-assistance systems necessitate an increasing number of tests to validate new technologies. These tests cannot be carried out on track in a reasonable amount of time and automotive groups rely on simulators to perform most tests. The reliability of these simulators for constantly refined tasks is becoming an issue and, to increase the number of tests, the industry is now developing surrogate models, that should mimic the behavior of the simulator while being much faster to run on specific tasks. In this paper we aim to construct a surrogate model to mimic and replace the simulator. We first test several classical methods such as random forests, ridge regression or convolutional neural networks. Then we build three hybrid models that use all these methods and combine them to obtain an efficient hybrid surrogate model.
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已提出伦理陈述作为提高透明度的机制,促进对公布研究的社会影响的思考。在2020年,通过要求所有文件包括更广泛的影响声明,机器学习(ML)会议神经潜水区破坏了新的地面。在2021年删除了这一要求,支持核对清单方法。因此,2020年陈述提供了从更广泛的影响实验中学习的独特机会:调查这种和类似治理机制的益处和挑战,并熟悉ML研究人员如何考虑自己工作的社会影响。这种学习是必要的,因为神经潮支和其他场地继续质疑并调整他们的政策。要启用此功能,我们已创建包含来自所有Neurips 2020文件的影响语句的数据集以及附加信息,如附属类型,位置和主题区域,以及用于探索的简单可视化工具。我们还提供了对数据集的初始定量分析,涵盖了代表性,参与,共同主题和愿意与福利讨论潜在危害的愿意。我们调查这些如何因地理,附属类型和主题领域而异。借鉴这些调查结果,我们讨论了道德声明要求的潜在利益和负面结果,以及他们可能的原因和相关挑战。这些导致我们从2020年要求中学到的几课:(i)创造正确的激励措施的重要性(ii)需要明确的预期和指导,以及(iii)透明度和建设性审议的重要性。我们鼓励其他研究人员使用我们的数据集来提供额外的分析,以进一步了解研究人员如何应对这一要求的理解,并调查这一要求和相关机制的益处和挑战。
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大型预先训练的语言模型已经显示了几次拍摄学习的承诺,只提供了几个任务特定示例给出了基于文本的任务。款式将很快解决到目前为止为人类研究助理保留的分类任务吗?现有的基准标记不设计用于衡量应用设置的进度,因此不要直接回答这个问题。 RAFT基准(现实世界注释的少量拍摄任务)侧重于自然发生的任务,并使用镜像部署的评估设置。 RAFT的基线评估揭示了当前技术斗争的地区:推理在许多班级的长篇文章和任务上。人类基线表明,非专家人类难以反映出一些分类任务,反映了现实世界的价值有时依赖于域名专业知识。甚至非专业人类基线F1分数超过GPT-3平均为0.11。 RAFT DataSets和排行榜将跟踪哪些模型改进在https://raft.elict.org中转化为现实世界的优势。
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